Any Dog.. Any Problem.

Book a FREE 30 minute Zoom consultation today.

Hello dog lover.

We all try to do the best for our dogs, but sometimes behavioral problems arise regardless of our efforts. So for the 10 years, I have applied all my acquired knowledge into helping dogs regain a balanced and more natural life. I was lucky enough to begin my journey by being taught by the dog whisperer himself, Mr Cesar Millan. Of course, the learning never stops, and with further knowledge gained from studying other philosophies, and from the best teachers of all, dogs themselves, I am now confident that I can help any dog with any problem. I like to apply a basic philosophy of finding out what a dog really needs,  so that the relevant changes can result in a more natural and co-operative outcome. As a dog owner yourself, you will find that with a little common sense, and proactive work ethic, you will be able to apply the necessary program of changes that will most certainly change the behavior.

In short, ANY and EVERY dog can change, regardless of age, breed, or history. Some might take longer than others, as that is down to the correct diagnosis, the applied program, and the ability of the behaviorist, but with the correct approach, and the correct program of required work, I promise you, every dog can be given the opportunity of a more balanced and content life.

The problems can come is many forms, and can range in seriousness, but the typical types of problem that I work with on an every day basis are..

1. Basic training: A dog with no antisocial issues, but is inexperienced with the everyday skills and manners, that when acquired, can make living with a human easier for all concerned. The typical “sit” “stay”, along with the usual learned skills of walking in a controlled manner, recalling when required, and other such expectations.

2. Relationship issues: This is when a dog understands and can execute all the above, but is simply a nightmare to live with. The dog has annoying and frustrating habits that go beyond the requirements of normal basic training. Maybe the dog is excitable, and jumps all over visitors, or steals food, or chews up your favorite shoes. I’m sure you know the kind of behavior I mean. 

3. Emotional issues: A dog that is nervous, anxious, reactive, needy, anti-social (with other dogs or humans), suffers from separation anxiety, the list goes on. The symptoms that not only make the dog owners life stressful, but also do not allow a dog to feel secure and comfortable in various environments and situations.

These are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’. and the dog problems that I have worked with have been varied and numerous, but the fundamental principles of any problem, and how to help a dog improve, are easy to understand, and just need some common sense and dedication, to see a change in behavior,

When I teach students who wish to learn how to become a dog behaviorist/psychologist, there are many points of understanding that I share. Below are just a few of many, and you might find that they are included in the conversation I have with you. If there is anything that you would like me to explain, even if it is not directly relevant to your dog problem, then please ask.


  • Learn The importance of Using the Correct Energy
  • 3 Fundamental Elements for Creating Balanced Animal Life.
  • 3 General Elements for Avoiding Unruliness.
  • The Correct Way To Meet A Dog.
  • Canine Senses In Mother Natures Natural Order.
  • Establishing A Solid Relationship With Any Dog. Including THE number 1 Activity.
  • The Truth Behind Follow The Leader.
  • Dog & Human Body Language
  • Canine Teamwork & Communication.
  • Achieving Trust And Respect With One or Many Dogs.
  • Understanding Aggression, Excitement, Anxiety.
  • Discussing real life dog issues.
  • Applying dog psychology, rather than human psychology.
  • And many more…

The purpose of this zoom meeting is two-fold. Firstly, I want to help you resolve a problem that you need help with. And secondly, I want to record and collate as many examples of dog problems, and the advice I offer, so that other dog owners can refer to the information, and it can possibly offer some guidance to them as well. To hear real people describe their dog problem, and hear a real dog psychologist offer common sense advice and understanding, will eventually offer the definitive guide to dog problem solving.


Please complete the application form below.

First name:
Last name:
Please tell me where you are from, and briefly describe the problem:
Please check this box to confirm you have read, understood, and agree to the conditions at the bottom of this page.


1. The applicant (you) are aware that any advice, instruction or opinion given by the advisor (me) is given in good faith, and that no outcome is guaranteed in any way. No responsibility or liability can, or will be held against the advisor for any harm, injury, or negative outcome to any dog, yourself, anyone’s property, or third party, as a result of the applicant applying any advice, opinion or advised action, obtained from the advisor.
2. The applicant is aware that any advice, information, or opinion given by the advisor, is not intended to offend, disrespect, or create any personal contention or emotional upset, and therefore the applicant is willingly entering into a conversation that may contain disagreeable elements that will not be used in any defamatory or derogatory way against the advisor.
3. The applicant (you) is giving full permission for the advisor (me) to use the zoom meeting and the content therein, in part or in full, in any form, whether it be written, visual, audio, or by any other medium. The Applicant (you) releases the right of their image, voice, and spoken word, to the ownership of the advisor (me), for any educational purposes, and gives full permission for the acquired content to be shared by the advisor with any third party or parties within any social media platforms or websites.